Hello Strategists,
It's an exciting week here at The Compleat Strategist, and some of us will be spend the weekend at the NYC Toy Fair. We'll try to get a line on all the great new stuff coming in the near future, and will update this blog and our social media with our pictures and notes about the hottest upcoming releases. We've got some great stuff in store for you this week, and here's a sampling:
New in Board Games
Zona: The Secret of Chernobyl - is survival of the fittest as 1-4 players race against time and each other to reach the sarcophagus of Chernobyls nuclear power plant.
Imperial Settlers - Empires of the North: Roman Banners - introduces two new Clans to the game, as well as 6 new Islands. Roman Clans offer new new strategies and solutions, such as rebuilding previous Locations into majestic structures with enhanced power.
UNLOCK! Timeless Adventures - is now available in a big box format that includes 3 Adventures: The Noside Show, Arsene Lupin and the Great White Diamond, and Lost in the Timewarp.
Tiny Towns: Fortune - the creatures of the forest have prospered under your leadership, and the town is thriving! With the new prosperity comes wealth and fortune, along with the ability to create in new and exciting ways! Tiny Towns: Fortune introduces coins to the game, along with any new buildings featuring new shape combinations and abilities. The buildings use and interact with your coins in ways that create exciting scoring combinations. All of these are completely compatible with the previous Tiny Towns buildings and the coin system is easy for any player to pick up and add to their strategies!
Tokaido by the award-winning game designer Antoine Bauza, uses multiple mechanisms: set collection, point-to-point movement and variable player powers. The Crossroads expansion will open new doors and many new possibilities to make the journey even richer and more strategic. The Matsuri expansion adds the traditional Japanese festivities and sixteen new travelers to the wonderful Tokaido journey.
New in Tabletop Miniatures Games and Accessories
Mystic Portal from Reaper Bones
New for Warcry!
Necromanda: House of Chains, Goliath Gang Tactics Cars, and Goliath Stimmers & Forge-Born
Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress: No Respite